Mesh Analysis

 Mesh Analysis

Ø A mesh is loop which doesn't contain any inner loop

Ø Mesh analysis is only applicable to planner networks

Procedure of mesh analysis:

Step 1: Identify the total no. of meshes

Step 2: Assign the mesh currents to each mesh either in anti clock wise or clock wise direction

Step 3: Develop KVL equations for each mesh

Step 4: Solve the KVL equations to get mesh currents

Special case of mesh analysis(Super mesh)

A super mesh exists in a circuit when two meshes separated by the common current source branch

Procedure of super mesh analysis:

Step 1: Identify the total no. of meshes

Step 2: Assign the mesh currents to each mesh either in anti clock wise or clock wise direction

Step 3: If super mesh found, then develop KVL equation for super mesh

Step 4: Develop KCL equation at common current source node.

Step 5: Solve KVL and KCL equations to get mesh currents


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